Passing COVID-19 inspection with flying colours

Here at ASW Property Services, we welcomed a very important visitor to our headquarters recently: HM Inspector of Health and Safety visited to check our current COVID-19 health and safety procedures.

We always welcome such visits since they allow us to demonstrate the high standards we aspire to and attain here at ASW while also allowing us to take on board any advice and changes if required.

We were pleased that the visit went well with only a few minor changes necessary. Overall, the inspector was impressed with our processes and procedures and professional attitude to safety.

The outcome was especially pleasing since we have invested heavily in terms of time and money to ensure we can work safety through this pandemic putting the safety of our staff, suppliers, subcontractors and customers first always.

Here at ASW, we continue to monitor the situation daily, adapting to any changes in government guidelines and advice. This allows us to offer the best support to staff and all connections of the ASW family.

Anthony Thomas, our Managing Director, said:

“Here at ASW Property Services, health and safety is our top priority, never more so than in the current environment. We are always happy to welcome scrutiny and feedback on how we can improve but we were delighted with the overall outcome of the inspection.”

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