Training at ASW:
Our staff are our biggest asset and as an Investors in people accredited company (10 years plus) we are committed to training and developing our staff. We carry out a training needs analysis to help ensure our employees have current and appropriate training to carry out craft, management and administration roles.
We have links with many training organisations to help deliver our training needs.
ASW Managing Director, Anthony Thomas Chairman of the Swansea Bay Construction Group which has close links with the South West Wales Shared Apprentice Scheme (Cyfle) and Technical Director Ian James is Vice-Chairman of this group.
Anthony recently represented all the Training Groups in Wales in London but was still seen hard at work on the train to keep up with events in this fast moving industry!
Anthony Thomas is a founding board member and a current director of Cyfle, the South West Wales Shared Apprentice Scheme.
Craft Opportunities:
Much of our work is on long term contracts or frameworks where we are able to offer craft based opportunities for Shared Apprentices or Traditional Apprentices to have an opportunity to shadow or work alongside our multi-skilled craftspeople.
Other Schemes:
We also participate in a number of employment or work experience schemes run by various clients.
Recently, as a Residential Framework Contractor we became involved with Carmarthenshire Council’s training scheme and are providing 12 weekly work experience slots for long term unemployed people between 18-25 years of age.
There was also the Carmarthenshire “Pride in Your Patch Scheme” which was a three year programme where ASW provided up to 160 weeks work experience and employment opportunities for NEETS.
Working enthusiastically with clients on these various schemes ASW have not only provided work experience for local people under this scheme but also provided permanent full-time positions with the company for various people including Michael Johnson who is now part of the ASW Carmarthenshire Residential Framework Team.
Targeted Recruitment and Training Champion:
Please contact Ian James, Technical Director at to discuss any TR&T information.